Masonic Charitable Foundation London
85.7 M
103.2 M
Employees: 98
Volunteers: 235
The objects of the charity are, for the public benefit, to:
- Relieve sickness and preserve health, advance education and prevent or relieve poverty or financial hardship, amongst such persons as the trustees consider from time to time to be in need of assistance to the extent to which the trustees in their absolute discretion think appropriate; and to
- Further such other purposes (being exclusively charitable) as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion consider appropriate.
Call: 02031463304
Location: Freemasons Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London, Great Britain, WC2B 5AZ
Trustees: Sir Paul WilliamsDr Simon Morris FellermanStephen RobinsonAlan Philip Graham MbeJohn Boyington CbeAntony David George HarveyMichael Richard HeenanAndrew George WauchopeMr Simon D'olier Duckworth Obe, DlDavid Southern ...
Key Performance IndicatorsIncome Per Employee: 874.6 K